
2013年12月19日 星期四

論文摘要:1020908 10am已在能量醫學會發表

運用生物共振,中西整合有效治療自閉症、注意力不足過動症、發展遲緩The Sino-Western Integrative and Effective Therapy on Children of ASD (自閉症), ADD, ADHD (注意力不足過動症) and DD (發展遲緩)
ß Non-Invasive無侵入性
ß No Side Effect 無副作用
ß No Medication無藥物
ßPossibly finding all treatable symptoms and signs
儘可能找到所有可以治療的症狀和症候,加強身體檢查(phsical Ex.) 排除腦結構和抽血異常(organic leision and abnormal biologic markers)
ß Performing effective management to the brain 有效改善腦神經功能
ßMethodology-Management of the four major problems and induce normal sleepiness
同時同步解決,下列四大主要影響睡眠的問題,並引導自然睡意, 進入深度睡眠
1.Insomnia失眠: 入睡困難Difficult onset/睡眠中斷Sleep disruption/睡眠長期不足變成債務Inadequate sleep(debt) /早醒Early awakening

2.Breathing problems while sleeping睡眠中的呼吸問題:打鼾Snoring /翻來覆去Toss and turn/張嘴呼吸Mouth breathing...

3.Diseases causing sleep problems引發睡眠問題的疾病:氣喘Asthma/過敏性鼻炎Allergic rhinitis/癲癇Seizure/異位性皮膚炎癢Atopic dermatitis/藥物副作用Adverse effect…

4.Gastrointestinal problems 腸胃道問題:口臭Halitosis/食慾差Poor appetite/挑食Picky eating/異常體重...

