The Chinese-Western Integrative and Effective Therapy on Children of ASD 中西整合、有效治療自閉症
Dr. Ching-Ding Roan
阮慶定醫師 新竹市欣安診所院長
Background:We use non-invasive, no medication and no side effect therapy to treat children of ASD. We practically find all treatable symptoms and signs to perform integrative and effective management on children of ASD.
Method:Children’s ASD symptoms & signs must be managed, which can be categorized as insomnia, breathing problems while sleeping, diseases causing sleep problems, and gastrointestinal problems. We treat children of ASD with medical instruments via meridians. After further management, we use seven indicators to evaluate effectiveness, such as: times of treatment, eye contact, comprehension, oral expression, reciprocal communication, cognitive learning and negative performance.
Result: Totally 39 cases of ASD were enrolled. There was a male predominance with 37 boys and 2 girls in study. Thereinto, 46%(18 of 39) in 2~3Yr, 21%(8 of 39) in 4~5Yr, 25.4%(10 of 39) in 6~8Yr, and 7.6%(3 of 39) in >9Yr. Four categories were necessary to be managed, including 95%(37 of 39) of total cases with insomnia, 85%(33 of 39) with breathing problems while sleeping, 87%(34 0f 39) with diseases causing sleep problems, and 77%(30 of 39) with gastrointestinal problems. The more improvements parents observed, the more confidence they had and continued treatment persistently. Therefore, firstly estimate times of treatment: <10 times is 7.6%(3 of 39), >10 times is 31%(12 of 39), >20 times is 25.4%(10 of 39), >30 times is 21%(8 of 39), >40 times is 15%(6 of 39); Other estimations of effectiveness after management:1.Eye contact improved in 67%(26 of 39) 2.Comprehension improved in 90%(35 of 39) 3.Oral expression improved about 82%(32 of 39) 4.Reciprocal communication improved in 67%(26 of 39) 5.Cognitive learning improved in 72%(28 of 39) 6.Negative performance decreased in 75%(29 of 39)
Conclusion: If children of ASD could be managed well in insomnia, breathing problems while sleeping, diseases causing sleep problems and gastrointestinal problems, their parents could see children’s significant changes and improvement. In those cases, healing success of comprehension and oral expression is especially remarkable.
Key Word: ASD